Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Electoral college and election 2000

Sorry it's been awhile since I posted, busy with other stuff I guess.

Someone asked me to explain the electoral college today and, although I do feel like I understand it, I found that I was unable to explain it. So, I went searching on the web and found a very good explanation of it.

That also got me thinking back to the 2000 election and that dreaded Florida debacle. I've heard a lot of people say and read in a lot of places that an independant recount of Florida, obviously undertaken after the fact, found that a recount of the entire state would have found that Gore was, in fact, the winner of Florida and therefore the winner of the election. Yikes!

Here's the best explanation of the data that I found.

Will it happen again this time? Not if Kerry wins by large margins so, get out the vote!! We must win this one.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I'm Not Even Supposed To Be Here!

In the movie "Clerks" the main character (is his name "Dante"?) keeps saying "I'm not even supposed to be here today!" to hilarious effect. I find that, even though I AM supposed to be here today, I keep wanting to say it today.

I know it's completely irrational but...I think part of my subconscious really convinced itself that I would NEVER have to return to work and I would just be allowed to continue hanging around while getting paid indefinitely. Like I said, irrational...

I'm not even supposed to be here today!


Hey, if you haven't seen it before, check out the Borowitz Report. It's kind of along the lines of the Daily Show or the Onion..


Tonight's the final debate between Bush and Kerry, tune in tune tune in and then talk to everyone who will listen about why you're voting for John Kerry - we've gotta find a way to win this thing!

According to this, the candidates will be armed so...this should be the best one yet...

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Crazy White Powder leads to a LONG weekend!

So, Char and I were out riding our bikes Saturday, hangin out at the park, readin books - in short doing what you do when the weather's beautiful in October and you know the snow is just around the corner. Anyway, we come home and there are TWO messages on our voice mail! I say this with such surprise because, other than the occasional wrong number or call from a family member NO ONE CALLS US. I can't remember the last time we came home to find TWO messages on our voice mail. I was certain that we'd either won the lottery or the world was coming to an end.

Well, it was neither but, also kind of both. The first message was from my friend and co-worker Karen Leaphart, wife of Mike Leaphart of Bald Rhetoric fame, explaining in very excited tones that there had been a discovery of a mysterious white powder in our building and they were shutting the building down at least through Monday!! So, it's only Saturday afternoon and I already know I'm not going to work Monday, AT LEAST!

So, having a surprise day off in the fall with lots of things to do around the yard to get the place ready for winter I did what any sensible husband would do: I spent the morning playing Tiger Woods Gold on my Playstation II and spent the afternoon at the track, bettin on the ponies. I had a great day at the track as well, which is a little silly to say since I've never really had a bad day at the track. Sure I've had plenty of days that I've lost every bet but still, how bad is it to be at the track? There's plenty of horses around and plenty of degenerate gamblers to watch - what's not to like? Winning money is very much just a bonus. A bonus which, thanks to a thirteen to one winner in the last race, I got to enjoy yesterday.

Oh, I almost forgot, the OTHER phone message from Saturday was from my boss explaining that the building was closed Monday and we were to call in after 2 pm on Monday to find out when it would re-open. I dutifully called on my way home from the track, fully expecting to find out that I would indeed be working Tuesday. The message said (I'm paraphrasing) "still closed until further notice call back after seven." So, I called back after seven and the message was (again with the paraphrasing) "STILL closed until further notice, call back after ten pm - but don't start drinkin hard just yet, you may still have to work tomorrow." FINALLY, after ten I got an answer, sort of, "the building is closed until AT LEAST noon Tuesday so you can sleep in tomorrow after all, go ahead, have another cold one. Please call back after one pm Tuesday to find out if you need to report to work Tuesday or if you'll indeed be able to go the track again," (you guessed it, paraphrasing again).

So, as I write this, it's 12:12 pm and I have just over forty five minutes to find out my fate. Being a VERY dedicated employee, I am of course hoping against hope that I don't have to work again today! I feel like I'm ten years old, it's snowin like hell outside and my ear is glued to the radio, waitin for that school cancellation.

One other thing...what's up with the building being closed until at least noon but not having us call in until after one pm? Do you think the authorities will have to go to lunch before letting us know our fate? Are they just f-cking with us?

Anyway, keep your fingers crossed, I'm going to get in a little more Tiger Woods golf.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Another debate, another silly performance by W

I just finished watching the second presidential debate and a bit of the "analysis" and I'm fascinated how George Stephanopolis and George Will (both on ABC) are able to sit there and say with a straight face that both candidates did well and it was draw and the President's performance was MUCH better than last time and blah blah blah blah blah.....

George W Bush's performance in this debate was indeed different that last time but it was mostly just a different kind of bad. Instead of scowling he was leaping up off his chair and shouting his answers. The main thing is that he still refused to discuss in any detail pretty much any of the issues that were raised. Instead, he continued the main (only?) strategy of his entire campaign: if say it over and over it MUST be true.

John Kerry was focused and concise in his answers and a little more aggressive in directly attacking the president (not physically of course). I thought he pretty much ran away with the show much like last week. For some reason, the pundits are choosing to call it a tie this time. Maybe to make sure we all watch the next one?

More on all of this tomorrow....I'm going to sleep...

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Scary scary stuff

So, I started reading a book called "Imperial America - Reflections On The United States of Amnesia" by Gore Vidal and I ran across a fairly freaky section on voting and elections. He's mostly speculating but his basic gist is that these new fangled electronic voting machines make it far easier to steal an election! I guess the technology is proprietary so, if there's a question as to the validity of the final tally, only the company that made it is aloud to check it out and they don't have to tell anyone what they find. They could just basically go: "Uh, yeah, this looks right to me." I'm probably not describing it very well but, it's a little freaky in a crazy conspiracy theory kind of way.

At times Vidal's writing is a little over my head but so far the book is really interesting if a little depressing at times. He builds a very strong case to support his theory that our elections are pretty much bought and paid for which is, like I said, pretty damn depressing.

It's a new book and definitely worth checking out.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

We're Loosing Poland!!!

Well, I just heard from Mike Leaphart that Poland is withdrawing their troops from Iraq! Yikes! Is the president frightened? What will do?

Anyway, add another country to the growing list of the "coalition of the no longer willing."

John Kerry - Those elusive specifics!

It seems that every Bush supporter I talk to and every conservative pundit I hear are saying the same thing: Where are the specifics on Kerry's plan for Iraq, for homeland security, for health care reform, for education, for the economy etc. So, I decided, as a Kerry supporter, it was my duty to hunt these specifics down, no matter how long it takes.

I figured the best place to start was John Kerry's web site and, it turns out, I didn't need to go any further than that. You want to know Kerry's plan for Iraq? It's right here. Need more info on the Kerry/Edward's plan to keep our country secure in the face of terrorism? Well, it's right here, here, here and here. Education? That would be here, here and here. Health care? Among other places, you could go here.

The point is, Kerry has been VERY clear on his stance on all of the issues and has elaborated on his plans for America in great detail at his web site as well as in his stump speeches. You can even download the 263 page booklet "Our Plan For America" from the John Kerry website.

A favorite tactic of the radical right in recent years has been what I like to call "If you say it enough times, it MUST be true." Whether it's Kerry's supposed flip/flopping (I totally think he should wear flip flops for the next debate) his lack of a plan for our safety or the alleged falseness of his Vietnam war record - the tactic of repeating a criticism, regardless of whether there are facts to support it, until enough Americans think they really are better off with George W.

To be fair, George Bush's web site also includes many details of his plans for America, but we also have his record as president to go by and....after looking at both, I don't see how we could, in good conscience, elect him for another term in office. But don't just go by me, do yourself a favor, check it out for yourself - make an informed decision and whatever you decide, get your ass out and vote on November 2nd!

Monday, October 04, 2004

Blogging In Pittsburgh

I wrote the following post over the weekend in Pittsburgh, PA:

I'm writing this from a hotel room in Pittsburgh - my wife is here for a job related conference and I'm here just to hang out in a swanky hotel I guess. Last night, in a remote corner of a noisy, but mostly empty sports bar, we watched the first presidential debate. Sure, we could have watched it in our hotel room, but it just felt like we should be watching it out amongst the people.

I naively assumed that it would be on televisions all over the city. I was sure that all of America saw this a pivotal moment for our country, as I did. Needless to say, I couldn't have been more wrong on that one. We strolled around "Station Square” - a snazzy section of downtown Pittsburgh that used to be a railroad station but is now a shopping, eating, sleeping in snazzy hotels in between strolling next to the river kind of place - looking in desperation for a place to watch the debate with our fellow Americans.

Finding a bar with a TV was, of course, not at all the problem. Finding a bar with a TV, with the sound on AND tuned to a channel broadcasting the debate was nearly impossible. Everywhere we went, the TVs were tuned to football. It seems there was big college football game on so...I guess THAT's understandable. Actually, it was stunningly accurate display of the level of apathy for this election, and I guess politics in general. For those of us paying attention, this election is huge...the most important or our lives. Sometimes, I guess I forget that the people who really couldn't give a sh#t outnumber us. I did find out the next day that over sixty million people watched the debate so...maybe it's not as bad as I thought.

As it hit 9 pm and we knew the debate was getting underway, we made the reluctant decision to return to our hotel room to watch in seclusion. Walking back to the Sheraton, I happened to glance through the window of a sports bar across the street to see a television with the face of John Kerry on it. Huddled around the table I saw a group of fifty something baby boomers and thought "hmm...are they Kerry supporters or Bush supporters?"

We rushed in the bar, grabbed a nearby table and began straining to hear the debate. To our surprise, they noticed we were trying to hear and invited us to join them. It turned out they were staunch Kerry supporters so, no danger of fisticuffs.

Now.... the debate itself was very much a surprise. Although I hoped he would, I just didn't expect Kerry to step up and wrestle this debate away from President Bush the way he did. Up until Thursday night, this was starting to seem like it was Bush's election to lose. Now, Kerry is again energized and mounting a comeback in the polls and it’s George Bush who seems to be on the ropes.

It almost seemed as if the president had memorized a handful of phrases and was intent on saying them over and over throughout the night. This could have worked except for the fact that John Kerry's answers were clear, concise and to the point. This is the clearest he has stated his views on Iraq and homeland security and I think it will resonate with the American people.

He also remained composed whenever Bush attacked him. In contrast, the president often appeared annoyed and aggravated during Kerry's responses. Most of the time, Bush looked like he didn't want to be there.

Best sound bite for Kerry? Hmm...that's a tough one because he didn't really speak so much in sound bites as he did concise sentences. They were short enough to still be quoted everywhere but long enough to give his message more credibility. I did like his description of his four point plan to finish the job in Iraq and his use of "four words: more of the same," to describe Bush's plan in Iraq.

Funniest moment of the debate? That one is easy: Bush’s insistence that John Kerry not forget the mighty Poland in his description of the president’s “Coalition of the Willing.” Very surreal.

Well, more on all of this later. I have to go back to hanging around in my swanky hotel.